Policy analysis and recommendations for building modernisation

Existing buildings with high energy consumption urgently need to be modernised in terms of energy efficiency. What can this and the next federal government do to achieve this? A targeted discussion on new political impetus is overdue. On behalf of the RTG (Representative Office for Transparent Building Envelopes), the Prognos consulting institute has analysed policy instruments from other EU countries and the numerous existing concepts and developed suitable policy packages for Germany.

To this end, an event from the “Politischer Salon Gebäudewende” series was held in Berlin on 25 June 2024. With around 50 participants from federal ministries and -authorities, the German Bundestag, state representations, associations, foundations and NGOs, the results of the policy analysis on modernising the building stock were discussed.

Policy-Analyse und Empfehlungen

Maßnahmenpakete für die Gebäudesanierung (Kurzfassung)

Videorückblick der Verananstaltung